瑞信结构产品设计高手辞职开设对冲基金 |
瑞信跨市场交易主管Lucas Kiely和亚太地区股权结构部主管Charles Firth最快将在本月底离职,自立门户,在香港成立多资产宏观对冲基金。 |
韩国邮政招募美国首套房贷联合投资人 |
2016-08-25 |
8月19日,韩国邮政发出公告,面向全球征招三名联合投资经理,中标者可各获得1.5亿美金的委托,但必须有部分投资与韩国邮政一同进行。 |
2016-08-24 |
日前,由恒泰证券担当管理人的北京银泰中心资产支持专项计划完成发行,共集资75亿人民币,成为国内单只规模最大的房地产资产证券化(ABS)产品。 |
传凯雷欲收购收购麦当劳中国业务 |
2016-08-24 |
来自《纽约邮报》的消息指,麦当劳出售中国业务出现新进展。私募基金凯雷(Carlyle)与另一家跨国集团成为最后的竞标者,而凯雷的出价超过20亿美元。 |
更多信息>> |
Senior Product Manager, Multi-Asset
2016-08-22 |
A global asset management firm now is looking for a seasoned professional to join their team and contribute on multi-asset business development in Asia Pacific region. (Ref No.:CO-2630)
VP,Intermediary Sales
2016-08-16 |
Our client -- an asset management firm -- is looking for a mid-level intermediary sales to join their HK team. (Ref No.: CO-2629)
Head of Compliance
2016-08-08 |
Our client is a financial group with reputable brand globally. Now they are looking for a Head of Compliance to lead its Hong Kong compliance team. (Ref No.: CO-2628)