Assalamu Alaykum
Glad to get your contact info from Internet
This is Sardar from CNBM International, we are the importing and exporting platform of CNBM Group which is the biggest building materials manufacturer in China also a Global fortune 500 company. I tried to reach out to you because I will be in DAMMAM after a few months and set up another branch of CNBM IN SHA ALLAH and I am looking for a business partner in KSA. So this is just a greeting call to say Hi. I wish when I be there I can visit your company and we can talk about business face to face IN SHA ALLAH..
If you have any inquiry please don’t be hesitate to ask me and if you can provide me with your personal contact information that would be even better.
Best regards,
Sales Manager
CNBM International Corporation/Oversea DEPT/Dammam KSA
Address:Floor 17th, No.4 Building, Zhuyu International Commercial Center, No.9, Shouti South Road,Haidian District, Beijing 100048, China
Tel:(0086-10) 68796400
Mobile:(0086) 18901266979
Fax:(0086-10) 68796400
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