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Dear Manager,Very glad to write email to you.We specialize in insect screen mesh (mosquito mesh) for more than 15 years.
Our products mainly include:
-Fiberglass screen mesh-PP/ Polyester/ PET pleated mesh-DIY magnetic screen windowBecause Chinese government is taking more and more strict ways to fiberglass mesh for environmental pollution. We are switching to PP mesh, which is environment friendly. Now we have big promotion in PP mesh, welcome your enquiry.
At the same time, we also strongly suggest to consider your purchase on fiberglass insect mesh as earlier as possible. The production cost will be increased in the second half 2016.
Here's some of our product photo.Look forward to your enquiry.
Thanks and best regards,
Sale Manager
Address: No.2, Zizhuyuan South Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China
Post Code:100044
Tel: (0086-10) 59042217 Mon-Sun 8:30am to 5:30pm (China Time)
Fax: (0086-10) 59042275

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