Dear sir,
Nice to meet you here!
This is Jason from photovoltaic divsion in CNBM international corporation which is one of subsidairy of China national building material group short for CNBM GROUP.
CNBM GROUP set up its first office in Beijing since 1984 famous for its cement and wood. with the rapid growth we now divesify into many industry, and CNBM international corporation was set up in the year of 2008 and involve in photovoltaic industry since 2009, till now we have more than 8 year manufacturer experience for solar cell and solar modules with capacity of 1GW respectively per year.
We take this great chance to know your company, and wish we can establish some business relationship with yours.
We now offer item as below:
1. solar cell in mono and poly mainstream 17.6% 4bb for poly and 18.4% 4bb for mono.
2. solar module range from 250W-310W in mono or poly
we have build over 30 branch companies located in different area of the world and together with our overseas warehouse, we believe it will much competative than any other suppliers.
Besides we offer OA payment for 30-180 days, which is a very advantage financial support for our clients.
I wish I can hear you very soon, even we may not work now but to have one more supplier means one more chance isn't it? so contact me at your earlist time and you can also add me on whatsapp:86 18704016992 and Skype:Dinghuaiyuan. For more company information, Please visit our at your convenient time.
Thanks for your time!
Best Regards
Address: No,2 Zizhuyuan South Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China
Post Code: 100044
Tel:86-22-57905017 Mon-Sun 8:30am to 5:30pm (China Time)
Mobile:86 18704016992
Skype:Jason Ding

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