Hello, dear purchase manager :
This is Cathy from CNBM,state-owned corp and manufacturer for fiberglass insect mesh , we have been exporting to global customers more than 12 years. Every year we export big quantity of containers to Europe, Americans,midd-east countries etc .
The most popular items are as follows:
--fiberglass insect screen mesh(stiff and soft quality )
--fiberglass pleated mesh
--polyester/pp/pet pleated mesh
--DIY magnetic screen
--screen door
Can I know what kind quality do you need? I sent you pictures that we export to other customers.
If you need more information, please contact with me freely.
Welcome to add my skype account :mishan339 ,thanks ,may i know yours ?
Thanks &best regards
Sales manager
Exporting dept
Tel:(0086-10) 68796566
Mobile:(0086) 15210692205
Fax:(0086-10) 68796686
E-mail: cathy_han@okorder.com

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