當然有部份郵輪人多、各項活動之等候時間甚長、船艙房間沒有窗而且很細。然而,坐郵輪可以是: 有尊屬您的管家、入住極緻海景套房既舒適又寬敞、享受高級餐飲、更享受貼身接近1對1之客戶及員工比例服務......反轉傳統坐郵輪的旅遊模式!
因應大量的客戶提出想體驗與別不同的優質郵輪,我們今年會為大家精選各大歐美熱賣的品味郵輪,當中包括Silversea為極致推崇。Silversea 為意大利高端郵輪,於歐美熱賣多年,主要原因,在於其乘客都是對生活品質有追求的旅者,更是一價全包,食得好更是必然,其餐廳是由著名的Relais & Chateaux 主理。
我們亦成功為對生活品質有追求的您爭取到7間品味郵輪 (Silversea、SeaDream、AmaWaterways、Paul Gauguin、Oceania、Regent、Tauck River & Small Ship) 的 Exclusive Offers,例如:
- 私人岸上專車接送 及 司機服務
- Behind-the-scenes 行程
- 尊貴特色餐飲
- 船上消費券或水療消費券
- 「尊屬您」的岸上遊歷之旅
然而不同航線之尊屬優惠禮遇有所不同,請聨絡品味遊專員了解更多 (香港 (+852) 2539 0628 / 中國 (+86) 147 14337 863)。
PS: 我們為您嚴選了2個精彩的夏日品味郵輪旅程,冰島雷克雅維克 至 倫敦7月出發 (12 天); 及澳洲布魯姆 至 達爾文8月出發 (10 天),現在就起航吧!
We got asked frequently for different voyages.
The perception of travelling on cruises is usually full of people lining up for activities, pretty small room probably with no window or a fake one. In fact, you deserve better than that! What about having your own butler looking after you while staying at a luxury seaview suite with a cool choice of highend amenities? Enjoy the finest quality dining on board? Also enjoy very personalised serve with almost 1:1 staff to guest ratio?
Many travellers said to us that they would want to go on different voyages throughout years. We heard you all. We have been looking for something popular in the US and Europe such as Silversea for Luxe Travel Insiders who delight in the thrill of discovery while indulging mind and body in the most lavish surroundings imaginable.
Now we are proud to launch Exclusive Offers of 7 top luxury cruise lines including Silversea, SeaDream, AmaWaterways, Paul Gauguin, Oceania, Regent, Tauck River & Small Ship. Luxe Voyage Bonus Amenities offers exclusive cruise benefits, insider access, and excellent value, such as:
- Private car and driver in port
- Behind-the-scenes tours
- Specialty dining options
- Shipboard and spa treatment credits
- Custom and private shore tours
Amenities vary from different cruise ships. Please check with your Luxe Travel Specialists for your benefits at (+852) 2539-0628 (Hong Kong) or (+86) 147 14337 863.
It will not be just another cruise but cruise fitting perfectly with the discerning you!
PS: We have handpicked 2 wonderful sails for the summer with great offers. One departs from Broome to Darwin for 10 days in Aug 2018 and the other one departs from Reykjavik to London for 12 days in Jul 2018. Enjoy!
Yours faithfully,

Michael Francis Yeung 楊廸深
Chief Luxe Travel Specialist 首席品味遊專員
Luxe Travel | 品味遊
(Lic no 353662)