Lieping Chen
Elaine Lyon
Director of Cancer Immunology
Yale University School of Medicine,
Associate Professor of Clinical
Pathology, University of Utah’s
School of Medicine, USA
Richard Roberts
Eric Dishman
New England Biolabs, USA
1993 Nobel Laureate in
Physiology or
Intel Fellow and General Manager
of the Health & Life Sciences
Group, Intel Corporation
Sharon Terry
Jenny Graves
President and Chief Executive
Officer, Genetic Alliance
Distinguished Professor, La
Trobe University, Australia
Thomas Hudson
Richard Durbin
President and Scientific Director,
Ontario Institute for Cancer
Research, Canada
Senior Group Leader in Computational
Genomics and Human
Genetics, Wellcome Trust
Sanger Institute, UK
Apostolia-Maria Tsimberidou
Leroy Hood
Associate Professor, Investigational
Cancer Therapeutics, M.D. Anderson
Cancer Center, USA
PI and Director, Shanghai
Center for Plant Stress Biology,
Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Hong Wu
Irina Lehmann
Dean of School of Life Sciences,
Peking University, China
Head of the Department for
Environmental Immunology,
Helmholtz Centre for Enviro
Research, Germany
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