We are excited to announce iMedia Brand Summit is coming to China for the first time this June 1st to 3rd, at the Double Tree Resort Sanya Haitang Bay.
The invitation-only iMedia Brand Summit China 2015 is themed Building An Always-On Brand, giving attendees the opportunity to network with like-minds and discuss the day-to-day challenges they face in digital marketing. This takes place amongst thought-leading and inspirational keynotes, and interactive round table and breakout sessions.
We craft the summit content with the contribution from the selected advisory board members from leading brands and agencies in order to educate and drive discussions on the latest innovations and trends.
Introducing Our Advisory Board

Who Attends?
The Sharpest Minds and Most Influential Decision Makers - Together for Three Days and Three Nights
iMedia Brand Summit provides an intimate environment for senior brand marketers to converge, debate and discuss the major strategic issues they face. This is a closed summit for the sharpest minds in the industry to connect and discuss shared challenges, as well as network, build relationships and meet potential partners.
Brand Marketers:
This summit is FREE to qualified brand marketers. Up to 70 of the most influential marketing executives from China's leading brands are invited to spend three days and three nights at this unique summit in Sanya, as a guest of iMedia. If you think you qualify, please request an invitation.
Agency, Technology/Service Provider or Online Publisher:
Get a network pass or be a sponsor ! Contact us to view full list of current confirmed delegates and what we can do to help you raise brand awareness and empower business.
For more information, please contact Paul Beckley at +86 189 303 58241 or paulbeckley@dmgevents.com