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Effective Digital and Mobile Marketing
13:00 – 17:30, Wednesday, 22, April, 2015, Westin Bund
In recent years, marketing has changed beyond all recognition – new platforms and techniques have come and gone at startling speed. At this seminar, a range of experts will discuss current best practices across the digital and mobile marketing spectrum, offering real and practical guidance to marketing professionals.
This seminar is tailored to the needs of marketing executives and marketing managers of multinational companies, and general managers and product managers of SMEs. Expert speakers will share different practical ideas for enhancing the effectiveness of digital and mobile marketing for attendees’ day to day activities.
Cyril Drouin | BysoftChina
Founder and CEO
Josh Gardner | Kung Fu Data
Cherry Tang | Madhouse Inc.
SVP, Sales and Marketing
Kestrel Lee | George P Johnson
Executive Creative Director
Bill Belew PhD | professor of Social Media Marketing
13:00 – 13:30
13:30 – 14:15
Content marketing: Going beyond SEO is a must for digital marketing in China
Cyril Drouin, CEO, Bysoft China
14:15 – 14:30
Coffee & Refreshments
14:30 – 15:15
Using Data Effectively in Marketing
Josh Gardner, CEO, Kung Fu Data
15:15 – 16:00
How mobile changes the way brands connect with consumers
Cherry Tang, SVP, Sales and Marketing, Madhouse Inc.
16:00 – 16:30
Coffee & Refreshments
16:30 – 17:15
Transform retail and brand marketing with mobile and WeChat for better business results
Kestrel Lee, Executive Creative Director, George P Johnson Greater China
17:15 – 18:00
Panel Discussion, moderated by Bill Belew from Silicon Valley
For more information on registration or sponsorship contact Sophie Wu
+86 (21) 5403 2211 X 12 or rsvp@mk-media.net |
Registration |
By Email
RSVP to sbrevents@mk-media.net with below registration information in English:
attendee name/ company name/ job title/ email address/ contact number
By Phone:
Contact Sophie Wu at +86 (21) 5403 2211 x 12
Price |
•Regular Sign Up RMB895
(For payments received before Monday, 20, April, 2015)

SBR Events Wechat follower are entitled to a 5% discount
*Paid subscribers of SBR are entitled to 20% discount
Payment Options
Payment can be made by bank transfer, cash, or online using Visa or Mastercard.
Event Venue |
Topaz Room, Floor 3, Westin Bund Hotel
No.88 Henan Central Road, Shanghai, China
上海市外滩中心河南中路88号威斯汀大饭店3楼黄玉多功能厅 |
Cyril Drouin, Founder and CEO, BysoftChina
With over 15 years of experience in the field of e-commerce and the Internet in China and Europe, Cyril worked with nearly 100 clients, including retailers, manufacturers, small businesses and start-ups.
He helps brands throughout the entire lifecycle of an e-commerce project, from consulting to implementation, digital marketing and monitoring performance.
Based on his knowledge of the Chinese market, digital marketing and technical expertise, Cyril has built an expertise in digital strategy and e-commerce in China as well as in the management of marketplaces and localization in China of leading e-commerce technologies.
He is a regular well-respected speaker & trainer at various digital and e-commerce conferences. He hosts high level training sessions on e-commerce in China several times a year in China and around the world. Cyril holds a Master degree in IT & mathematics and speaks fluent French and English and has a good working knowledge of Mandarin.
Josh Gardner, CEO, Kung Fu Data
Josh runs King Fu Data, an analytics and optimization firm with a unique lens into success in the Chinese market. He is a fluent Mandarin speaker and serial entrepreneur.
Josh has founded six businesses since graduating Phi Beta Kappa, Summa Cum Laude, with a degree in anthropology from Boston University in 1997.He is a 9-year member of the Entrepreneurs Organization (EO) and acting Membership and Integration Chair for the Shanghai chapter.
Josh is tenaciously objective in his approach to doing business in China and spends his days helping brands make the right decision.
Cherry Tang, SVP, Sales & Marketing, Madhouse Inc.
Prior to Madhouse, Cherry was Media Practice Leader of Isobar China, managing multiple well-known international brands. Previously, she worked for GroupM Interaction China as General Manager. Before that, she was General Manager of Mindshare Interaction China.
Cherry has over 14 years of experience in both traditional and digital media planning and buying. She was awarded Man of the Time of China Online Advertising 1997-2007.
Kestrel Lee, Executive Creative Director, George P Johnson Greater China
Kestrel Lee is the Executive Creative Director for George P Johnson, Greater China, focusing on digital, mobile and integrated marketing.
He has 15 years of experience in leading integrated, social media and digital campaigns in Asia, winning over 100 awards for global brands in China and Asia such as Mars, adidas, Martell VSOP, HP etc.
Besides advising L’Oreal Asia Pacific and Unilever on digital matters, he is also an invited correspondent with Thoughtful China, Shanghai Business Bureau and China AdSmack on ecommerce, omni-channel marketing and big data.
Bill Belew, PhD, professor of Social Media Marketing
Bill regularly teaches international audiences: China, Japan, Philippines, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, India ... as well as his local network of 5,800+ Meetup members how to attract more legitimate visitors to their web sites and get more sales for their products.
His forum devoted to Content Marketing has participants from throughout the world. Bill has been an invited speaker at Google HQ as part of their Talks @ Google Series.
His clients and students range from authors and local businesses to multi-national and multi-billion dollar corporations - Apple, Google, Facebook, BMW, Ford, Nestle.
NOTE: The presentation will be given in English. Kindly note that spaces are limited and attendance can only be guaranteed by prior confirmation and payment. Speakers may be subject to change.
CANCELLATION POLICY: If you cannot attend an event for which you have registered, please cancel your registration no later than one business day prior to the event. If you fail to notify SBR of your cancellation in a timely fashion, you will be charged the price of your ticket. To cancel you can email events@mk-media.net or call Sophie Wu on +86 (21) 54032211 x 12.
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