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The personal data collected will be stored and used by Beautiful Tree (Hong Kong) Limited brands to communicate and connect with customers for providing great products and experience. Customers will have the right to correct, and/or change any personal data held by Beautiful Tree (Hong Kong) Limited, and to request not to be contacted by writing to , by calling (852) 39502986 or by clicking the “unsubscribe” link in the case of emails. See More |
閣下個人資料將會被Beautiful Tree (Hong Kong) Limited儲存及旗下品牌使用,以保持與顧客的良好溝通,並提供更好的產品和服務。顧客有權修正及更改任何儲存於Beautiful Tree (Hong Kong) Limited的個人資料,或可要求停止接收任何方式的聯繫。顧客可電郵至,或致電(852) 39502986聯絡我們,又或可點擊電子通訊中「取消訂閱」鏈接以取消訂閱電子通訊。
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