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2023年10月                                                                            Oct 2023
綠惜企業同行 Green Corporate Engagement
The Green Earth Night Walk 2024
”Forest. Mountain. Night Together”
Our annual charity event "The Green Earth Night Walk 2024" will be back again on Saturday, 27 January 2024. Along the dusk walk to the top of Tai Mo Shan, there are exciting activities to let participants appreciate nature's beauty in darkness, understand the importance of cherishing the Earth and promote waste-free lifestyle.
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Public Education and Engagement 
香港山徑日2023 精彩活動預告
Upcoming for Hong Kong Trails Day 2023

The Green Earth launches the annual "Hong Kong Trails Day" around the birthday of the MacLehose Trail (October 26). The occasion features a series of activities to encourage public appreciation and care for the trails. Entering the fifth year, we launched the "Jockey Club Leave No Trace Education Programme" with the publication of Hong Kong's first book on sustainable trails as well as co-learning lectures and exhibitions to showcase sustainable trails concept for mountain lovers! Stay tuned on our Facebook for details.
黑雨過後為海洋大「塑」除 - 獨木舟淨灘
Canoe Beach Cleaning – Plastic Waste and Rubbish Removal after the Extreme Weather
Devastated by the super typhoon and record rainstorm this September, the fragmented plastic debris were stranded on shore. Recently our Canoe Beach Cleaning volunteers visited A Chau and cleaned up nearly 20 bags of garbage weighing more than 63kg in just half an hour. Almost 90% of the collected plastic bottles are locally produced, which reminds us to do better in waste reduction in our daily lives and to leave no trace in nature.
「綠惜活動義工培訓」工作坊 – 尚餘少量團體名額
Green Events Volunteer Training - Last Call

Following the relaxation of the epidemic restrictions, various physical events have been resumed where green event volunteers are increasingly in demand. Thus, we launched the "Green Events Volunteer Training" workshop for the frontline team to foster environmental collaboration. Our free lectures focus on waste reduction and in-depth sharing of recycling experience extracted from 100+ events and tips on hosting green activities.
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Sustainability Policy Research & Development
Light Pollution Research Project Completion

The Green Earth has developed a set of tools for measuring the impact of light pollution.  It not only serves as a reference for the government on how to measure and monitor light pollution but also paves the way for legislation on the subject. To further educate the public on this issue, a forum and several guided tours were held in July. A short video shown during the forum reflecting how the lives of individuals were affected by light pollution and our suggestion on related regulation.
Forum Recap

Chinese only 只有中文版本
Watch Light Pollution Video

Chinese only 只有中文​版本
《施政報告》諮詢會議  綠惜地球提建言 
Advice for Policy Address
1. 公共基建須達致零碳水平,並全面披露其生命週期的碳足印
2. 保護自然環境以加強環境的固碳作用
3. 精簡零碳能源的發展審批,提出零碳交通路線圖
4. 妥善落實飲品容器生產者責任制,減少塑膠用量同時確保回收成效

The Green Earth shared four key pieces of advice with officials at the "Policy Address" consultation to help Hong Kong cope with global warming:
1. Ensure zero-carbon emissions on public infrastructure with full disclosure of the carbon footprint from its life cycle
2. Strengthen the carbon sequestration capacity by conserving our nature
3. Streamline the vetting and approving of zero-carbon energy development and propose a roadmap for zero-carbon transportation
4. Implement the producer responsibility scheme for beverage containers properly, reduce the usage of plastic and ensure the effectiveness of recycling
塑新生停運 膠樽回收何去何從?
Plastic Bottle Recycling after Suspension of New Life Plastics

New Life Plastics, the largest food-grade plastic recycling facility in Hong Kong, has suspended its operations due to the low recovery rate of used plastic bottles. To prevent similar incidents from happening again and uphold public confidence in recycling, The Green Earth urges the government to implement an effective producer responsibility scheme for beverage containers as soon as possible.
綠惜文章  Green Articles 
TGE articles published from July to September 2023 are:

1. Hong Kong Floods: Even Climate Change Sceptics Must See The Need To Prepare For Extreme Weather (12 Sep)
2. Hong Kong Should Never Have Sent Solar Panels Damaged During Super Typhoon Saola To Landfills (6 Sep)
3. Wildfires In The US, Storms In China: How Hong Kong Can Show It Is Heeding Climate Warnings (29 Aug)
4. How Nightly Marine Light Pollution Harms Sea Life, The Environment And Hongkongers (20 Aug)
5. Heatwaves Are A Reminder To Work Up A Sweat In The Fight Against Climate Change (10 Aug)
6. Result-Oriented Hong Kong Government Must Roll Out Much-Delayed Waste Charging (21 Jul)
Our Fragile Oceans Should Not Be A Dumping Ground For Fukushima’s Radioactive Waste Water (7 Jul)
8. Hong Kong Must Up The Stakes To Stop Recyclable Plastic Bottles From Ending Up In Landfills (22 Jun)

With your kind support given to The Green Earth, we could make a difference and keep moving forward on the challenging green journey.

綠惜地球 The Green Earth

電話 Tel : (852) 3708 8380 
傳真 Fax: (852) 3708 8360 
電郵 Email: 
網址 Website: www.greenearth.org.hk
Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/greenearthhk/
地址 Address: The Green Earth, Room 703, 7/F, Kwai Cheong Centre, No.50
Kwai Cheong Road, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong

© Copyright 2023 The Green Earth Limited.