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項目名稱:FAM PARK 囍公館
 Project Name: FAM PARK
Location: West Kowloon, Hong Kong
Size: 260 s.q.ft.
Complete Date: Dec, 2019
Chief Designer: Bosco Lam

FAM PARK是個糅合新派手工中菜 (Food)、藝術 (Art) 與音樂 (Music) 三大元素的嶄新概念,將餐飲與文化體驗共冶一爐;秉持「FAMily」一家的大同理念,透過多元化文藝創意表達手法,將世界各地的文化生活聯繫一起並共同分享,成為彼此交流互通的中心點。
FAM PARK is a new dining & cultural lifestyle experience restaurant for creative expressions, connecting contemporary Chinese cuisine, art & music altogether in one destination. The one big “FAMily”philosophy linking transnational culture and life. It has become a mutual communication center, for people through the expression of from all walks of life to engage with one another as one big “FAMily.”cultural diversification

FAM PARK囍公館座落西九文化區新落成的藝術公園區,擁有180 度維港景緻、寬闊的戶外草地空間。悉心設計的現場音樂及室內格調透過藝術手法點綴,延伸西九文化區這一香港藝術新樞紐的文化格調,與餐廳提供的創新中菜互相襯托,為客人帶來破格創新的體驗。
Nestled in the prestigious location at Museum Drive, Art Park of West Kowloon Cultural District, Kowloon, a new vibrant cultural quarter situated in the heart of Hong Kong, FAM enjoys embraced with the remarkablea remarkable view with 180 degrees Victoria Harbour view, outdoor grass lawn and beyond.

超過6000 平方尺開放式空間,以裝飾藝術配合燈光佈置,營造歡愉活潑的氛圍,空間規劃能靈活彈性調動,變出休閒雅緻的晚膳、商務午宴及婚宴聚餐等多元化的活動場合。我們的行政主廚邵德龍先生擁有超過35年的入廚經驗,曾於不同高級食府擔任行政總廚,更於多個國際烹飪大賽屢獲殊榮,致力打造別出心裁的高級精緻餐飲體驗。
The 6,000 sq. ft. indoor open-space restaurant boasts a playful art deco vibe with light art installation, while serving contemporary fusion cuisine with a good dash of Chinese influence. With no detail overlooked, our Executive Chef Ronald Shao and the team of designers worked hard to create a space that is perfect for any dining and banquet occasion, day or night

为了充分营造出FAM PARK囍公館将多元文化融合的设计理念,以及表达出设计师灵活整合的创意,G.e.t. Casa专门提供来自意大利原装进口的歌利(Colli)肯特木纹系列(Kent Collection)以及意力斯(Iris)环保木系列(E-wood Collection)系列瓷砖,利用创新的铺贴方式将两款独特的瓷砖产品混合使用,打造出维多利亚港上独一无二的FAM PARK囍公館。
In order to fully illustrate the multi-national fusion design concept and embody the designer’s creativity, G.e.t. Casa exclusively provides the originally Italian imported Kent Collection from Colli and E-wood collection from Iris to this specific project. Utilizing the blending paving method with these two products, a unique FAM PARK at the Victoria Harbour has been shaped.
設計師簡介 About the Designers 
來自香港的著名設計師 - Bosco Lam林世斌,代表著現今前衛的設計思潮;投身廣告界和設計行業超過20年,對空間設計、品牌形象策劃和市場推廣有著豐富經驗。他打造了無數出色作品,更成為一眾主流品牌的指定設計師。
Bosco Lam is a famous designer from Hong Kong, representing the modern designing philosophy. He has involved in the advertising and designing industry for over 20 years. With a rich experience in interior design, branding and marketing, Bosco has designed a myriad of outstanding projects. Furthermore, he is now the designated designer for many mainstream brands and corporations.
Bosco Lam專業和高效地將設計與品牌推廣完美結合,與客戶一同開拓由品牌到名牌的道路。他將「打破傳統,換位思考」作為自己的理念,以獨特的角度切入到室內設計當中,將空間從一貫思路中解放出來,擴展了設計領域。他是設計的實踐者,也是商業的統籌者,把商業和設計相結合,運用自己對事物的獨特見解準確捕捉市場信息,用一個完全不同的思路詮釋空間,做出大膽的嘗試。除此以外,Bosco Lam善於靈活運用大量尖端科學技術和新穎物料,打造無數獨一無二,不可複製的設計。Bosco Lam代表作品包括:澳門新濠天地「嬌比會所」、香港Kavia Club、廣州Hyper Club、深井陳記燒鵝餐廳、上海Fushion、上海TianDi餐廳等等。Bosco Lam取得的獎項包括:2010國際空間設計艾特獎入圍獎、2011中國室內設計封面人物(提名)、2011及2013中國最成功設計大獎成功設計獎、2012及2014年度十佳中國室內設計師大獎和2014亞太室內設計大獎、 2015中國建築業協會“年度傑出設計師”、 2015-2016年度十大最具影響力設計等等。
Bosco’s expertise is in the integration of design and promotion to improve the brand image and build brand recognition and loyalty with the clients. His design is stressed on thinking outside the box, and reading the space with a unique angle. He believes that it results in an open designing mind and a broadened creativity. He describes himself as a practitioner of designs and an organizer of business, combining designs and business to acquire unique marketing intelligence and hence making unique creations. The use of advanced technologies and building materials enable him to create many outstanding and unreplicated designs.
His design projects include but not limit to: Club Cubic by the City of Dreams Macau, Kaiva Club Hong Kong, Hyper Club Guangzhou, Sham Tseng Chan Kee Roasted Goose Restaurant, Club Fusion Shanghai and Club Tian Di Shanghai, etc.
Over the years, He has won a number of awards in the design industry, which includes: 2010 Idea-Tops Awards (Merit Awards); the nominee of 2011 Cover face of Chinese Interior Design; 2011 & 2013 The Most Successful Design Award China; 2012 & 2014 The Top 10 Interior Designers in China and 2014 Asia Pacific Interior Design Awards; Annual Outstanding Designer of 2015 Chinese Design of the Year and the Top 10 Most Influential Designer of 2015-2016, etc.
His expertise is the integration of designs and promotions to improve the brand image and create brand recognition and loyalty. His design is stressed on thinking outside the box, and reading the space with a unique angle. He believes that it results in an open designing mind and a broadened creativity. He describes himself as a practitioner of designs and an organizer of business, combining designs and business to acquire unique marketing intelligence and hence making unique creations. The use of advanced technologies and building materials enable him to create many outstanding and unreplicated designs. His accomplished designs include but not limit to Club Cubic Macau, Galax Hong Kong, Hyper Club 7 Guangzhou and Sei Kwai Gong Cafe Hong Kong, etc. Over year, He has won a number of awards in the designing industry, which includes and but not limits to 2010 Idea-Tops Awards (Merit Awards), the nominee of 2011Cover face of Chinese Interior Design, 2011 & 2013 The Most Successful Design Award China, 2012 & 2014 The Top 10 Interior Designers in China and 2014 Asia Pacific Interior Design Awards, etc.
Related Products 相關產品
Kent 肯特木紋系列 20cm x 120cm
E-wood 環保木系列 15cm x 90cm

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成立於1998年,G.e.t. Casa現時已是進口瓷磚及木地板行業中的領先成員之一。秉承著「時尚生活·時尚品味」的宗旨,我們一直致力為客戶蒐羅意大利時尚和高質的瓷磚和優質歐洲原裝木地板產品。我們獲得由綜合商業媒體CORPHUB頒發的「大中華年度最具信譽建築裝飾材料供應商」、「香港最優秀企業大獎」,由香港社會服務聯會頒發的「商界展關懷」標誌,由香港亞洲品牌發展協會頒發的「香港最受歡迎品牌」等多個獎項和榮譽,以表彰G.e.t. Casa在建築裝飾材料行業及社會中的出色成就和貢獻。

Established in 1998, G.e.t. Casa is one of the leading members in the industry of imported tile and wood flooring. Adhering to “Beyond Living, Beyond Lifestyle”, we are committed to searching Italian-made, fashionable and high quality tiles and European wood flooring products for our customers. We are awarded the " Greater China's Most Reputed Building Decorative Materials Distributor " and the "Hong Kong’s Most Outstanding Business Awards" by CORPHUB, the "Caring Company" issued by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, the "Hong Kong Famous Brands" and others awards and honors, to recognize the outstanding achievements and contributions of Get Casa in the industry and society.

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