E-Newsletter 科域通訊
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Streamlining Wholesale Distribution:
Mastering Order Management with Ease

Since the launch of TVP funding scheme, many local SMEs have utilized the  funding to improve their core applications of information systems, but only few venors can provide industry-oriented solutions. With more than 30 years of R&D experience and numerous customer cases, Techland has developed a one-stop system specifically for wholesale and distribution/agents, which can fully automate the order placement, distribution and collection processes.
Youtube video (Chi only)
Highlight: HKPC Retail Solution Day
Techland just exhibited in the event of "零售求「 Fund 」之全新「數碼轉型支援先導計劃」及行業方案展覽日” which organized by HKPC & HKRMA on 04 Dec 2023. We shared with retail industry how to accelerate digital transformation with the subsidy of TVP and DTSPP funding scheme. The response was overwhelming and attracted many inquiries from retail industry.
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科 域 電 腦 系 統 有 限 公 司

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TEL: (852) 2416 6711  |  FAX: (852) 2411 0392