Dear Sir/Madam,

Have a good day!

Sorry to trouble you for few minutes. This is Edward from China Building Material Corporation (CNBM). We are one of the biggest suppliers of comprehensive building materials and equipment in China.

Today I’d like to introduce you one of our hot-selling products: PV solar panels.
Monocrystalline Solar Cell 156mm
Monocrystalline Solar 210W-225W
The Module of Monocrystalline Solar 210w-225w
Wind-solar Hybrid Street Light JMFT-200

For more information of our PV solar panels or other building materials, pls contact me or visit our websitesite:

Thank you for your kindly feedback or reply!
Best wishes,
Edward Zhou
Cell/wechat: +8613989542100
Telephone: +86 1 59042225
Fax:+86 1 59042275
Add: No.2, Zizhuyuan South Rd., Haidian District, Beijing 100044,China

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