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Dear Manager,

Glad to know your company information from google website and this is Emily from CNBM Corp, one of the largest supplier of insect screen products for more than 10 years.

We specialize in Fiberglass Insect Screen, Pleated Mesh, DIY Magnetic screen window, Skylight blinds, Aluminum louver, etc

The following is our main specifications for  PLEATED MESH:

Material: fiberglass, polyester, PP, PET

Width: 1.0-3.0m

Length: 15-30m/piece

Color: black, grey

Height: 15-20mm

If any items within your business scope, please just feel free to contact me for detail information. We will also do best to support you based on our rich experience.

Detail quotation will be sent to you after receiving your specifications.

Waiting for your kindly reply soon.


Thanks and best regards

Emily from CNBM

Sales Manager

Address:Floor 17th, No.4 Building, Zhuyu International Commercial Center, No.9, Shouti South Road,Haidian District, Beijing 100048, China
Tel:(0086-10) 68796366
Mobile:(0086) 13521209012
Fax:(0086-10) 68796686, Skype: cnbm.emily,

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