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Dear sir,

This is Sherry from CNBM, a Fortune 500 company (one of the largest state-owned companies in China; established in 1984).We’re looking for loyal partners to develop solar energy together.   

We do solar panels from 2009 with plenty experience, and now we provide our main solar power products for you:

1, Solar panels wattage range: 

 Poly solar panel 185-320WP

Mono solar panel 5-205WP

2, Solar Cells:125*125mm; 156*156mm
3, Micro solar off grid system: with LED lighting,remote control& mobile phone charger... functions 

If you need more information or some other products, please feel free to contact me . This is my Skype: sherry.wang210 Thanks a lot my friend, your kind response will be highly appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

Sherry Wong

CNBM Solar 

Address: No.2, Zizhuyuan South Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China
Post Code:100044 Tel.: 86-10-59042270 Mon-Sun 8:30am to 5:30pm (China Time)
Fax: 86-10-59042275
Phone number: 86-10-13092406061

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