Dear Sir / Madam

Philippine Garment Industry & Fabric Expo 2018
23 - 26 August, 2018, SMX Convention Centre, Manlia, Philippines

You are cordially invited to participate in the above expo in Philippine, the most potential market in ASEAN. Strongly supported by Philippine Board of Investment (BOI), and Confederation of Wearable Exporters of the Philippines (CONWEP), this show will help you to explore the emerging Philippine market. 

Blooming Business Opportunity 
With 104 million population domestic market and good export growth potential, the Philippines’ GDP growth is expected to be over 7% in 2018.  Benefiting from the favorable trade policies and resurgence of orders in the US, EU and Japan, Philippines is projected to be the fastest-expanding major ASEAN economy over the next 5 years. Between ASEAN members, machinery, parts, fabric and materials can be imported tax free. This would be a very promising opportunity for companies in search of new market. 

Revival Garment Industry
The Philippines is making efforts to revive the garment industry. According to Tradeline Philippines, the import volume of fabric and textiles in 2016 reached US$ 1,623,886,163, increased 30% year on year, while the import volume of garment machinery and textile machinery increased 70% and 34% respectively. Philippines is expecting a big boost to garment and fabric sector.  

This expo is organized by CP Exhibition Ltd, who organizes the biggest series of textile, garment machineries and fabrics exhibition in Vietnam since 1990s.   Please visit for more details or contact Mr. Jason Chow in Hong Kong (Tel: +852 25117427, Fax: +852 25119017, Email:, Wechat: cpexhibition) or our representative in your region immediately for booking and/or inquiries. 

Yours faithfully,

Philippine Garment Industry & Fabric Expo 2018
Organizing Committee

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